Charred Scallion and Spring Pea Tagliatelle (From Scratch!)
Part of the magic of Italy, I think, is that it's so incredibly welcoming- and how could it not be? In a culture where food, wine, and family is so central to every day, where agriculture dominates the landscape the instant you leave the cities, it makes it easy for even a first-time visitor to feel instantly at home. Here, gathering around the table is an intuitive art form, and pasta is a constant theme that runs through it all.
Pasta is a simple food, almost as basic as it gets- flour and water, and sometimes the addition of an egg or a few herbs. Uncomplicated, inexpensive ingredients, and truly not hard to make. Over the years, the variations in form and technique have multiplied, but the basic taste remains pretty unchanged.
On our last trip to Tuscany we were invited to share a meal at the home of some friends who've lived in a marvelous old farmhouse amidst the vineyards for decades. Virna was eager to make sure that we left that night knowing how real Italians make pasta- (hint: a pasta maker with a motor to cut the perfect tagliatelle) so she gave us each an apron and an egg, some flour and some basic instructions to get started.
Only a few tips to share, because it's truly that easy. Once the dough begins to come together (it's sticky and messy, but keep going), knead it with the heel of your hand until it's "soft as a baby's bottom", smooth, and a finger leaves a small dimple which bounces back. Then, do give it 30 minutes to rest, wrapped in plastic wrap, to let the gluten strands relax.
Naturally, we imagined our Tagliatelle to be truly extraordinary, so I'm sharing that here now. Crank up Andrea Bocelli, grab a glass of Chianti Classico, and you'll be right there with us in that pretty old farmhouse in the hills of Chianti.
Makes 1 large serving - multiply as needed
1 egg
1/2 cup semolina flour
Tagliatelle is one of the most versatile pastas you can make - it's has the perfect bite to stand up to strong sauces like ragu or arrabbiata, but it also has a smooth texture that lets it stand on its own with a few seasonal ingredients. For this particular meal, I went the latter route: tagliatelle with a few fresh (and frozen!) veggies along with creamy créme fraîche come together to make a light spring lunch that was as easy as it was delicious.
Charred Scallion and Spring Pea Pasta
Adapted from Hana Asbrink/NYT Cooking