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We're here to help with your Registry questions! We offer one-on-one, personalized service to make sure that every detail of your Registry is perfect. Need a picture of patterns you're thinking of mixing and matching? Wondering about glassware combinations? We're here to make it easy to set a table you love.
Our Registry Completer Program means you'll also enjoy a 15% discount off your purchases within a year.
Questions? Email us at customerservice@caskata.com or call us at 508.242.5573.
We're here to help with your Registry questions! We offer one-on-one, personalized service to make sure that every detail of your Registry is perfect. Need a picture of patterns you're thinking of mixing and matching? Wondering about glassware combinations? We're here to make it easy to set a table you love.
Our Registry Completer Program means you'll also enjoy a 15% discount off your purchases within a year.
Questions? Email us at customerservice@caskata.com or call us at 508.242.5573.